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The Double Edged Razor

Price ZAR970.00

Why on earth would you buy some expensive 8 bladed disposable monstrosity when a single bladed razor will do an even better job? Do you think the likes of Cary Grant or David Niven used a day glow orange, plastic, battery powered shaver to keep their chiselled cheeks hair free?

Men Rock Double Edged Razor Blades

Price ZAR70.00

A box (or tuck to use the correct word) of five of the very finest double edge razor blades.Designed for use with The Men Rock Shavette, the Men Rock Double Edged Razor and will fit most other similar instruments. Please take care when handling the blades as they are very sharp (as you’d hope!)(5 Men Rock branded blades per box)

The Shaving Brush

Price ZAR390.00

A must have for wet shavers everywhere and when used with our shaving cream is essential to experiencing the smooth outcome of the traditional close shave. A fine quality shaving brush made from synthatic hair complete with the Men Rock Logo. Usually a wet shave results in a closer shave compared to that of an electric razor or some wretched supermarket...

Men Rock Double Edged Razor Blades

Price ZAR70.00

A box (or tuck to use the correct word) of five of the very finest double edge razor blades.Designed for use with The Men Rock Shavette, the Men Rock Double Edged Razor and will fit most other similar instruments. Please take care when handling the blades as they are very sharp (as you’d hope!)(5 Men Rock branded blades per box)

Shavette Straight Razor

Price ZAR330.00

Like it’s big brother, the Shavette Straight Razor is sophisticated and smooth, but a lot easier to use.Instead of using 5 tiny blades in tandem like a modern shaver, a single blade razor like the Shavette spreads pressure over a smaller surface area, allowing for a much closer shave. Science, eh?